Warm: Sex toy warmer review

Warm is your invitation to enjoy your toys a whole new way.

Safely heat your favorite intimacy enhancers to create an irresistible sensual experience you can share together or savor alone. Uniquely designed and simple to use, Warm adapts to a variety of shapes and sizes, cleans easily, and can beautifully hide in plain sight while discreetly preheating your pleasure.

Enjoy the Experience

warm sex toy

Initial thoughts: To be honest, when I first heard about it I thought it was pretty silly. I thought who is so lazy that they can’t get up and run their toys under warm water to heat them up. I met Janine from Warm and she really sold me on it, she spoke about it with such love that it got me excited to try it. And try it I did!

Pros: Warm is large enough to fit even my beloved Eleven, so it really is the perfect size. Big enough to fit large toys, but not so large that it’s taking up a crazy amount of space in my tiny NYC apartment. It also has an automatic off timer so if you turn it on and get caught up doing something else and never make it back to your toy it’s all good.

It also heats to a temperature of 150 degrees so it gets warm but not burning hot. I would still do a skin test cause everyone experiences temperature differently. My favorite part of warm is two fold. I really love how the silicone dildos feel after they come out the Warm. They feel almost real, the warmth permeates it in a way I didn’t expect it to. The silicone also really holds the temperature for a long time. I also stuck my lingerie in there and putting on warm lingerie fresh out of the shower was a magical experience for me.

Really and truly. It’s also so simple to use, you roll your toys up in the internal pouch then close the leather pouch around it, click the button, wait about 10-15 minutes and bam you’re ready to go.

warm_sex toy

Cons: I have to be honest, besides the high price tag the only con I experienced was when I put multiple toys in without arraigning them neater then I should have some toys got warm in some spots and not everywhere. That is clearly a user error and I need to put the toys in it more mindfully.

Last Thoughts: If you have the money and having your toys/rope/lingerie/etc be warm for your play sessions is important to you, then this is the ultimate luxury. It forces you to slow down and let whatever you’re warming warm up. It creates an entire experience, with almost a ritual feel to it. And it does what it’s suppose to, it really warms the toy in a way that running it under warm water doesn’t do. It gets deep into the toy and really stays there. I loved it.